05 Jun Emily Hill
I think an artist sees the world through a unique and magnificent lens – light and shadow, texture, and of course color and mood. There is so much to inspire one to paint regardless of the medium. For me, it is watercolor. But recently I revisited pastel after many years. My painting was sporadic at best until the last four years when I finally got the time to invest in it. I took advantage of the classes given by Jacquie Kaucher, Sheila Parsons, and Dr. MaryAnn Stafford at Art on the Green.
My work is a quest to find the next level and get better after each plateau I reach. That is just a matter of how many strokes I put on my brush, how many times it takes to master a certain technique. But most of all it’s finding my own style to express what I want the painting to convey to the viewer, or more selfishly what it represents to me.
There are many reasons to create. I do it because it makes me happy.